Syrtes (Parte correspondiente a Túnez)


Arrival at Tunisia and Kelibia

06/05/2012 1:22:33

Hi there from Monastir!!

Finally we have been able to start the field work this 2012 season, the third one following the steps of Archduke Ludwig Salvator of Austria.

This year we start by studying the whole coast of Tunisia, and we have great expectations because we are entering a relatively unknown area in the Mediterranean, so we expect to be surprised by many different details.

http:// C-1dlHjlYdA

We arrived at the north coast of Tunisia, Bizerta, the 2nd of may, after three days of crossing. We will study in depth Bizerta on our way back in a few weeks. So far we have been able to see the harbour the same shape as the Archduke described.


We spent the night at the fishing harbour of Bizerta where we passed all the administrative procedures of entry, a whole adventure …

The third of may we headed towards Kelibia passing by the bay of Tunis where unfortunately we lost a piece of our manta trawl; the device that serves us to get the samples of floating debris. Sailing from Bizerta to Kelibia we found a large amount of sea water birds ( Calonectris diomedea) some of them in groups of 30.

At kelibia we saw several mosques at the center of the town. Some old, for instance the one that the Archduke indicated, Sidi el Kebir, and many others new.


It is very interesting to observe the efervescent dynamics of life in the town. We observed many little shops situated in the houses of people, in the garages, in the ground floors, …, where different people are specialized at the most different jobs. In the centre, there are plenty of cafes where men enjoy their teas. And then a little open air market where artisans sell their products.

The fields of sorghum circled by opuntias are now a road and different constructions. According to our driver, Ahmed, fields of sorghum can be now found at around 10 km. to the other side of the town. In the city, at all moment, we can observe swifts ( Apus apus) and swallows ( Hirundo rustica) that fly around, and ready for the time of reproduction.

The 4th of may we went to the fortress of Kelibia which is situated on a round hill near the harbour. It is a very old fortress but the present shape comes from the 16th century, and is of spanish and turkish construction. It is a pentagon of about an hectar.


In the middle we see an old byzantine citadelle. The site is at this momento plenty of beautiful flowers.

http:// 2uj9yObP4mk

We can stress the tall yellow margaritas mixed with red poppies or other purple flowers. We can also observe thistles, oleanders, pilgrims or fig trees, probably cultivated here from long ago. The groups of swifts ( Apus apus) keep on flying ove us issuinf their characteristic sound.

Finally we have been able to visit the beach where at present local people have holiday homes, and from where we can observe perfectly the fortress.


Near the beach we find a swamp, at about 100 meters from the sea, where we find a group of around 20 common herons ( Egretta garzetta). The water of the swamp goes into the sea.

The next day we navigated towards Port Yasmine in Hammamet. We observed some dolphins at a certain distance from the boat. We do not observe any seagulls, only a solitary yellow-legged seagull from time to time. The sea water birds ( Calonectris diomedea) that we observe, on the contrary, are numerous.

Best wishes!!

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2 comentarios

última en: 07/05/2012 18:44:03

07/05/2012 18:44:03 por guillem

Buena suerte en este nuevo periplo !

06/05/2012 por Bon nouveau périple

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