Syrtes (Parte correspondiente a Túnez)



24/05/2012 14:56:37

Hi there from Tunis!!

The first sight we had fron the coast of Hammamet was actually Port Yasmine. The best port without doubt in terms of security and services. However it is just like any other de-luxe harbour of the type that we can find in the south of Europa with too much concrete, hotels, pizzerías, etc … It has not, thus, the same authenticity as other parts of the tunisian coast.

Hammamet is situated at about 12 kilometres from Port Yasmine. At Hammamet we tried to take the image that we were looking for at a certain distance from the city walls. However, nowadays this zone is constructed and it is impossible.

Once we are much closer to the walls it is posible to see the walls and the tower of the mosque situated inside the medina.

Inside the walls we find many stores. We are negatively surpirsed by the extremely aggresive behavior of some of the sellers. They go well beyond the average selling pressure that is well known in the country. According to some people, the economic crisis and bad working conditions could partially explain those bad attitudes. No excuse is good for this anyway. On the othe other hand we can stress very good behavior in places like Djerba or Sfax.

Not far from the entrance door we find the mosque that has the tower that can be seen from the outside.


After crossing the whole medina we arrive at one of the towers of the city walls. From there we can see the medina, the city, and to the opposite side the cemetery which is placed in the back side of the city.


In different corners around the city we find very beautiful details which make our stroll very nice.


The beach which is situated in front of the city walls main entrance is beautiful with very thin white sand. On the beach we can observe many small boats.

At the end of the day and during the sunset both the beach and the city walls take an intense orange color which allows us to appreciate them in a much deeper way.


Best wishes!!

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2 comentarios

última en: 25/05/2012 16:30:33

25/05/2012 16:30:33 por Juan

Hola Rafa!

Si ya tenemos el cubilete. Llegó al puerto de Sidi Bou Saïd, y lo pudimos recoger ahí. Así que podremos continuar con la recogida de plásticos.

Ya me contarás qué resultados estás obteniendo con las muestras del año pasado ...

Un abrazo

25/05/2012 por rafasarda

Hola Juan, ¿te ha llegado el cubilete?, estamos adelantando bastante con las muestras del año pasado.Un slaudo. Rafa

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