Paxos y Antipaxos


From Port de Pollença to Favignana Island in Sicily

04/05/2013 10:41:31 c7PCPTIlvtU

On April 30th, after several days of bad weather, we could departure from Port de Pollença at about 1 P.M. rhumb to Menorca and then to Carloforte in Sardinia.


On the 2ndof May early in the morning we went trough Carloforteand finally we arrived to FavignanaIsland at 6 A.M. on friday the 3rd. The sailing was quiet with north winds of 10 to 15 knots.

We are in Florio, the Favignana port, moored on a dock. It is a very nice bay with clear waters. On both sides we can see old tuna fish factories now closed and abandoned.The town is small and touristic.


In a couple of hours we will decide, depending on the weather forecast, if we skirt Sicily by north or by south. Hopefully we will reach the Island of Paxosin Greece on mondayat night.

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2 comentarios

última en: 06/05/2013 17:35:11

06/05/2013 17:35:11 por Giacomo

Bravo Amador!

06/05/2013 por exonautes

precios vaixell... 

visiteu el museu de la tonnara, val la pena

hi ha un muntatge de videos a una gran sala fosca que es impressionant


bon vent!


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