Zante / Zakhyntos


Marine Pollution that endangers the loggerhead turtle. (General Part).


Zakynthos, surrounded by a breathtaking coastline, is an island with the south protected as a national park in all its marine-coastal zone. The protection is given, not only by the beauty of the coast but also, because it is the nesting place for the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta).

The park was established in 1999 and covers all Laganas Bay from Cape Geraka to Cape Marathia. It has different protection zones depending on the location of the park, and an area of ​​135 km2.

However, in our journey following the steps of the Archduke, we found that, in areas near the natural-park, there are several situations that surely this may be affecting this marine park. One of these is the town of Laganas, just in the middle of the great bay, where a macro extension of night clubs and bars glued to the beach attracts hordes of people in the summer.


Another nearby place is the mouth of a channel where all waste is discharged from the area, which is supersaturated because of summer tourism. These residues make it to the bay with little treatment and can harm all the marine flora and fauna. On the other hand it is also bad for tourism in the same area.


Finally we will highlight a landfill site in the hills of Kalamaki which apparently makes a inadequate management of the waste they receive. Lighter waste (bags, papers, etc..) due to the wind are drawn to all the surrounding hills; if the wind blows towards the sea can also reach it. Besides the physical residue also remains exudates reaches to the beach.


The association "Earth Sea & Sky Ionian Nature Conservation" gave us data on the amount of trash collected by volunteers each year in the bay that is posted to several tons. One of the main risks of waste, especially plastics, is the ingestion by wildlife, especially turtles, that often produce asphyxia of organisms.

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