Islas Lípari / Eólicas


Day 3: After the Crossing

15/06/2010 9:23:52

Hello form Sardegna!!

Yesterday we finally arrived at San Pietro’s Island, South of Sardegna; and tired enough so that this blog arrives a few hours later… It is our stop just before heading towards the Eolian Islands where we will start our study.

We had wonderful weather. Finally we managed to try our code 0; it went very well, winds from 9 to 11 knots and the boat sailing at around 7 knots.

Only when arriving at Sardegna we encountered stronger winds, which already were telling us that something was changing: actually we will have to stay one more day waiting for the weather to become better.

The best, the night in between Minorca and Sardegna, without any light pollution, thousands of stars above us, shooting stars, the dramatic intrigue of the infinite, one of those few moments that place us in between time and

Ah! And we must not forget, with not enough wind and heat, about the refreshing splash with 2.000 metres of water bellow our feet.

Crossings, to sum up, that allow us to disconnect from the unconscious routines of our lives, moments in which nature and spirituality join to offer experiences such as those portrayed by certain cultures, often ignored, that hardly manage to survive in our world.

Best wishes!!

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