

Contest for students of high schools in Castellón

12/12/2010 18:04:09

The technical team of the Natural Reserve of Columbretes is organizing a contest for students around the city of Castellón. This year the contest is based on the figure of the Archduke and the book that he produced in 1894 on these Islands.

The students will access the web in order to gather information concerning the Archduke, the summary of his work on the Columbretes Islands, and the actualization that the Nixe III Project team is doing.

The deadline for the presentation of the drawing and writings that the students are preparing is the 15th of January 2011. We expect to upload some on those works, done by thestudents, once the contest is finished.

We like very much the initiative taken by the technical team of the Natural Reserve. This initiative could perhaps be replicated when we visit, and produce up-to-dates, of the different destinations of the Mediterranean. It would be wonderful to have also a fresh view, from the perspective of young students, on how the perceive the Mediterranean and its evolution.

By the way, we have already finished the comparison report of Columbretes in Spanish. We will send it for translation into English from next monday. Thus we expect to upload, what will beour first comparison report, just before Christmas holiday.

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