Crossing to Venice 1 Beginning of marine research

27/05/2011 15:24:13

Hello form Sardegna!!

Last wednesday we managed to sail from Puerto de Pollensa. It is not always easy to close all duties that seem to randomly accumulate during the last few weeks before departure.

Right now we are in Villa Simius at the south east corner of Sardegna. We have stopped here because we need to repair one of the navigation lights. The crossing has been very good. And we have still many miles in front of us before arriving at Venice.

This year we follow the path the comes from seven different bokks of the Archduke Ludwig Salvator. All of them in the Adriatic Sea. We will start with Venice, then we will be in Trieste, Opatija, Bakar, Peljesac, and finally we will finish by the Kolocep cannel, near Dubrovnik.

Also this season we start two marine research projects. One of them is done together with Rafa Sardà of CSIC, CEAB Blanes, in which we gather samples of floating debris in the Mediterranean Sea.

The other one together with Gerald Hau, GOB Mallorca, and we take notes of all marine mammals viewed during the crossings.


The travel started with an excellent weather conditions to use the net called “Manta Trawl”. We use this net to capture the plastic debris. Right now we realized seven transects with a different results. In all transects we capture little portions of plastic and some pellets. We are surprise for the high number of jelly fish “medusa velero” that we captured. This elevated presence of jelly fish indicates the low presence of turtles because the turtles eat th jelly fish.


These two days, we had seen three groups of dolphins. The first sighting was in the harbour of Pollença at 12.00h. We saw a group of five dolphins Stenella coeruleoalba. The second sighting was near Menorca at 23:55h. This time we saw only one common dolphin Delphinus delphis. The last sighting was close to Sardegna at 23:15h. This time we saw a big group of 8 common dolphins.

Best wishes!!

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6 comentarios

última en: 01/06/2011 14:07:46

01/06/2011 14:07:46 por IMAS

medusita, medusIIIIIIItas, això que vol dir que les tortugues parillen????????

Elena: posau-vos molt de protector solar

Quina sort que tenen alguns: fer feina a l 'aire lliure, sol, aroma de la mar, grans paissatges.......

jo quan sigui gran vull esser com tu.¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ disfruta molt

31/05/2011 por Nat

Buenas navegantes, por lo que he leido parece que por ahora todo va a pedir de boca. Confiemos que todo siga igual y que tengais una buena travesía hasta Venecia.

Pues nada, un saludo a todos y recuerdos de toda la familia.


31/05/2011 por Juanmi

Un saludo como actual campeón de Europa!según me informaron un buen fondeo hicisteis al dejar mahón!son técnicas q no conocía!muy bien lo de la recogida de materiales,va bien el invento no?bueno espero q todo bien y ánimos al patrón q una champions culé y con Shakira no la hay todos los días!

30/05/2011 por Margalida i Bet

30/05/2011 por null

A tope Jaume i resta de tripulants, sort a la travesia.

Jaume Rosselló

30/05/2011 por Miquel Angel

Quan arribareu a Venecia.

Jo volaré aquest dissabte dia 4.

Fins aviat


Mqiuel Angel Frau

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