Crossing to Venice 4 When will we arrive??

06/06/2011 11:23:43

Hi there!

If someone is wondering where we are, we are where it was not expected, at Civitanova a town in the region of Marche in Italy.

Not long ago I read a book, in Castellón by the way, upon the life of the explorer Von Humbold, he almost never managed to do what we had planned, but what he managed to do, de did it indeed very well ...

We have had engine problems for a few days, but hopefully tomorrow we will be in Venice.

Best wishes!

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2 comentarios

última en: 07/06/2011 13:15:39

07/06/2011 13:15:39 por IMAS

Les improvisacions de segur que surten bé, perquè és segur que no  és el programa que falla.


Anims !!!!!!!!! i bona travesia

06/06/2011 por Míchel

Eso es como cuando sales un viernes por la noche a tomar una copita... acabas a las cinco de la madrugada y volviendo a casa acompañado!!!

Un saludo.

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