Good night!!
After two long crossings, arrival at Sicily. Today has been a day of repair and, unexpectedly, a day full of charming surprises.
Arriving at the Fossa del Gallo’s port we have met Dino, who has delivered fuel for more than 30 years. He doesn’t like engineers, tha gas station platform that they designed is not practical and he has spent the last few months doing some transformations. He loves to show the improvements made in his platform!
Yesterday we went to sleep with a little dilemma concerning funghi and bacteria. Giuseppe and Fabio brought us to the difficult world of water and engines. ¡We had water in the fuel tank!; luckily the fuel filters have a small ball that blocks the flow when water is in it.
Finally we have been able to test that the engine was working correctly. Afterwards it was the turn of a water pump that burnt during the crossing, and also we have tried to start the sweet water production unit without success … We will wait for the next stop to try again.
By the end of the day Mondello, little town besides Palermo with a beautifil little bay, very well preserved, and with plenty of people wandering around. Some places manage to preserve the simple and authentic charm, ¡What a scarce luxury! And because an image is worth one thousand words …
(Tomorrow at 5 destination Lípari!)
Hola amigos, veo que por ahora todo va bien, creo que deberiais montar un currican y así poder preparar un delicioso marmitako a bordo, en caso de no tener currican yo os los traigo.
Un abrazo y suerte!!!
A veure si us en sortiu bé ...., de les petites reparacions i en 3 hores ja esteu go to Lipari ...
S'anyora una foto dels estels del cel ...
Bona travessia demà (bueno avui ...)
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