Islas Lípari / Eólicas


Day 8: Arrival at Lípari

20/06/2010 1:13:40

Hi there!!

Today has been wonderful. The crossing from Mallorca has been rather long, more than expected, and we were already willing to arrive. Plus it is the first time that we go to the Lípari Islands; everything is to discover. Finally, after having read the works of the Archduk, the arrival and the sight of the seven islands has been extremely especial.

You can see a link for a video above. We have also introduced a couple of videos in the previous two days.

The arrival to Lipari by sea is espectacular. We have arrived through the Mouth of Vulcano, the little canal that separates Lípari and Vulvano.

Close to the city of Lípari you can distinguish the Castello and the cathedral. The sights are beautiful.

When arriving we have discovered that the weather is going to be bad for a couple of days. Thus, tomorrow we will start gathering data for the city and the island of Lípari. The boat will have the time to relax ….


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3 comentarios

última en: 20/06/2010 22:44:17

20/06/2010 22:44:17 por torres

Hola, veo que habeis puesto el vídeo en marcha, enhorabuena, campeones!


20/06/2010 por kiko

Queridos tripulantes;en esta tarde de domingo soleado,me paro un segundo a pensar e  imagino lo bien que lo teneis que estar pasando,supongo que cada dia disfrutais con un nuevo entorno, una nueva experiencia algo que escribira el paso de vuestro futuro.bueno hablando en serio supongo que lo debeis estar pasando genial y disfrutando mucho por lo tanto os deseo lo mejor cuidaos mucho y volved sanos y salvos que aqui se os hecha mucho de menos.un abrazo muy fuerte a los tres.

20/06/2010 por una cosita ...

El link al youtuve no va .... Felicidades por llegar

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