Dear all!!
As we were saying last time we are waiting for some pieces that are very difficult to obtain. From today part of the crew is going back to Mallorca, and next wednesday the rest will also follow.
I will still devote some days in order to try to arrange the boat. Obviously if it lasted too long, I shall also depart and leave the boat at Lípari. Lets see ...
Bad situations can also be an opportunity. During the next few days I will go to say hello to Professor Iacolino, who told us wonderful stories last year. Also I would like to meet Mdme. Chevalier who created the Archeological Museum at Lípari together with Luigi Bernabó Brea. Perhaps I might even have the chance to see Professor Raffa, a specialist in the Archduke, who might be soon at Lípari.
Pues, que buenas experiencias han tenido hasta el dia de hoy durante el viaje, en esta etapa del Proyecto.
Espero que esta escala imprevista, les sirva como merecido descanso, pero que tambien tengan la oportunidad de seguir investigando los lugares que interesaron tanto al Archiduque, y que puedan seguir tomando fotografias y video para poder nosotros tambien conocer los increibles lugares por los que han pasado en estas ultimas semanas.
Felicidades por este gran Proyecto!
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