Columbretes :: Comparisson reports


Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

Lo que dice el Arxiduc:

“The main island... is the only one of the group that deserves this name, since the others could only be described as skerries.

From its northernmost point—where the lighthouse is—to its southernmost point, it measures 1060 metres. It is 21 metres wide in the area of the lighthouse, 15 metres wide at the southern tip, and just 7 metres wide at its narrowest point.

The island is shaped like a sickle or a half-moon, or, as some say, is ‘C’-shaped, with the open side facing the northeast, forming a cove that is 2/10 of a mile wide at the entrance and 3/10 of a mile deep.

Both ends of the island rise up to form promontories, the northern end reaches a height of 68 metres, while the southern end reaches just 45 metres.”

Urios, G., Nachtwey, J., Translation, Columbretes, 1895, Castellón City Council, 1990.

Datos proyecto Nixe III:

When reachingColumbrete Grande by sea, the first thing that caught our attention was the lighthouse, followed later by the impressive horseshoe shape of the cove.

This cove, Puerto Tofiño, has several buoys available for the boats visiting the island to moor. Permission is needed for this from the Reserve staff.

There are also three buoys on the outer part of the island, very necessary when the north-easterly winds blow as the cove can be very dangerous when this occurs. Dangerous waves have in fact even formed inside the cove on calm days, a similar phenomenon to the famous rissagas sometimes occurring on Menorca.

When entering the Puerto Tofiño cove, Mascarat stands out to the left.



Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

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