Columbretes :: Comparisson reports


Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

“As regards beetles, the Archduke cites three species amongst the dozen that exist on the islands. His identification of these species is only approximate:

Salvator talks about Heliopathes ibericus but, in reality, we find Heliopathes littoralis and Heliopathes forcadelli; the latter is endemic on the archipelago.

He also talks about Pimelia criba when today we think he was referring to Pimelia interjecta.

Lastly, he mentions Scaurus tristis when, in reality, we find Scaurus vicinius and Scaurus rugulosus.”

“In terms of spiders, worth mentioning are those belonging to the Argiopidae family which, due to their abundance in the summer months, their size and colouring, call the attention of those visiting Columbretes Islands.”

For those interested in exploring this topic further, we recommend the magnificent comparative document prepared by the Nature Reserve staff:

“COLUMBRETES 2010. Una revisión de la situación actual de la fauna y flora citada por Salvator en 1894”.

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Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

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