Golfo de Corinto :: Comparisson reports

Aeyon (Agion or Aigio)

Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

Lo que dice el Arxiduc:

“From the marina you can take one of two paths up to the falaises cliffs where Aeyon is located above a high plain. One path starts near a flour and oil factory with a tall, rectangular chimney and where we find a 14-horsepower English steam engine which moves the entire dam. On the ground floor we see the mill with its double stones to press the olives, along with other tools to produce oil. After a short walk, the path turns around a corner where there is a primitive streetlamp. From here, no only do you have a marvelous view of the wharf but also of some houses below and a mill found on the beach with a wood, horn-shaped tube to move water. With the help of some wooden sticks on top of a ditch made of wooden planks, the water is guided towards the mill.”


“Though exposed to the winds from the northwest, Vostitsa (Aigio) offers the best anchorage along the southern coast of the gulf. Under the houses located at the feet of the rocks are a few cafés and taverns. One of the houses has been built directly in the rock, and its caves are used as warehouses. Plane trees provide shade there. One of them is very old, half-hollowed out, with a 13-meter diameter, making it one of the biggest attractions in Votitsa. On the side is Metaxi Vrys, a wall with 15 arches and an ogee arch in the corner where water gushes down from some hollows, flowing like a river to the nearby sea [women tend to wash clothes there]. These springs offer very good water and are a godsend for the ships seeking to refill their water tanks due to the springs’ proximity to the shore and the ease with which sailors can replenish their barrels.”

Datos proyecto Nixe III:

As we were leaving the Gulf of Corinth, we stopped at Agion which is located where the gulf narrows, along the southern shore and not far from the mouth of the gulf. Sailing here is always complicated due to the dominant winds from the west along with the daily and powerful thermal wind from the same direction.


In Agion we landed near the port found to the west of the city. We saw a lot of old abandoned factories. There are many more than the two the Archduke mentioned, though we noticed that a lot have been converted into bars and restaurants or other service-related businesses.





From the top part of the city, we took a picture of the town below us and of the gulf, just as the Archduke did. Not far from here is the town hall and an old cathedral, completely held up on the sides. We can see numerous cracks in its walls as reflected in the image on the right. We continued walking and, on the left, we can see the area of the port where we landed.






The large plane tree to which the Archduke dedicated an engraving is still near the port. Today, it is just in front of one of the restaurants facing the sea.





Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

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