Archduk :: :: The tree that he bought

“The Archduke’s interest in plants was well known and, inside his territories, cutting down a tree or even a single branch was prohibited. Some people took advantage of this characteristic of His Highness for their own benefit. On one occasion, the owner of a small plot of land located not far from Miramar waited until the Archduke had passed by before starting to chop down a tree. When the Archduke heard the sound of the axe, he went back and scolded the man for his actions. The man explained that he needed firewood to keep warm but could not afford it. The Archduke decided to buy the tree. This way, the man would have enough money to buy firewood, and the tree would be saved.”

Sabater, G., Mallorca en la vida del Archiduque, Associació amics de l’arxiduc, 1995.

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