Archduk :: :: Miramar´s vulture

“One reason why many people were attracted to the Miramar estate was the legendary vulture that the Archduke had in captivity there. The vulture, a gift from some young people who knew of the illustrious gentleman’s love for plants and animals, lived in a large cage in the gardens of Miramar. It was doted on by a servant that the Archduke had put at its service. The existence of such a vulture in captivity inspired the poet Juan Alcocer to write a beautiful composition entitled ‘The Vulture of Miramar’. After the Archduke died, the vulture was moved to the Barcelona zoo, where it spent the rest of its days.”
Sabater, G., Mallorca en la vida del Archiduque, Associació amics de l’arxiduc, 1995.

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