Columbretes :: Comparisson reports


Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

Lo que dice el Arxiduc:

“Facing the northeastern point, just 100 metres towards the east, is another small island belonging to the La Ferrera group: El Bauzá. It is round and pyramid-shaped, and the falcons are fond of sitting on it. On the north side, it has sheer vertical cliffs, and its crown is covered with a delicate green colour.

Captain Smith believed that the smooth mountainsides of La Ferrera and El Bauzá facing the outside and the abrupt shores facing the inside were what remained of an ancient volcano—perhaps a parasitic cone of the larger volcano.

Behind El Bauzá, in the direction of Columbrete Grande, there is another small skerry known as Espinosa.”

Urios, G., Nachtwey, J., Translation, Columbretes, 1895, Castellón City Council, 1990.

Datos proyecto Nixe III:

On turning past the southern end of Ferrera, we come across Valdés reef and, right behind, the imposing Bauzá islet followed by the smaller islet, Espinosa.

Here we can see one of the Bauzá islet slopes.



Comparisson reports are under license of: Licencia Creative Commons

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